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One of the important goals of its activities, the Armenian Association of Political Scientists considers the development of cooperation and exchange of experience and research developments between domestic and foreign speci


One of the important goals of its activities, the Armenian Association of Political Scientists considers the development of cooperation and exchange of experience and research developments between domestic and foreign specialists.

An important task of the Association is to promote the unification and coordination of the activities of scientists, researchers, representatives of public structures, educational institutions interested in the development of scientific-analytical and predictive political science research, holding and participating in meetings, seminars, symposiums, conferences, including international ones.

We strive to establish contacts with Armenian and foreign political science organizations and institutions, including to attract Armenian authors in international research programs. Research collaborations offer solutions to many problems and questions in the scientific community. A reliable collaboration network is an important factor for researchers wishing to create, participate in domestic and international grant projects and programs, and share new research ideas. increase the volume of publications.

The International Association of Lawyers and Psychologists and the Armenian Association of Political Scientists aim to establish and expand cooperation between the parties.

In order to implement these tasks, the parties express their intention to organize joint events aimed at the implementation of joint seminars, conferences, and working meetings.

Armenian Association of Political Scientists and the Autonomous Non-profit Organization "Smart Civilization" (Moscow, Russia) signed an Agreement on cooperation.

The goals of which are to establish and develop scientific, technical, cultural, social and humanitarian cooperation.

Armenian Center for Civil Initiatives

Armenian Center for Civic Initiatives SPARAPET is a think-tank composed of experts working in their personal capacity

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