The Armenian Association of Political Scientists is a public organization that unites political scientists from various regions and the Diaspora. The main goal of the association is to promote the consolidation of the professional political science community and the development of political science in Armenia
General provisions
The Armenian Association of Political Scientists is a public organization that unites political scientists from various regions and the Diaspora.
The main goal of the association is to promote the consolidation of the professional political science community and the development of political science in Armenia.
The Association does not pursue political goals in its activities, does not participate in the activities of political parties, other political associations and religious organizations.
The principles of the organization activities are legality, openness, voluntary membership, equality of members, self-government, collegial leadership.
The Association is a non-profit organization based on membership, does not have profit making as the main goal of its activities and does not distribute profits among its members.
The Association can carry out entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities only insofar as it serves to achieve the goals for which it was created and corresponds to the goals specified in this Charter.
Mission of the Association
Assistance in the process of formation of a legal democratic state, development, support and maintenance of democratic processes and procedures, development of the democratic potential of political science and political technologies.
Assistance in raising the prestige of political professions, educating qualified personnel.
Purpose of activity
Assistance in the implementation of expert-analytical, research and other activities in the field of political science, the publication of the results of scientific research, the dissemination and increase in the availability of scientific knowledge among all interested parties; encouraging scientists to generate and disseminate scientific publications, participate in analytical research and develop recommendations, implement scientific developments in practice aimed at solving urgent socio-political problems, increase the level of political consciousness and knowledge of members of social groups involved in socio-political activities raising the level of teaching political sciences in educational institutions and training highly qualified specialists in this field.
The Association carries out its activities in accordance with the RA Law on Public Organizations, other laws and regulatory legal acts of the RA, this Charter, the founding agreement and internal documents of the Association.
Items of activity
participation in the development and implementation of mechanisms, projects and programs aimed at achieving the set goals;
promoting the unification and coordination of the activities of scientists, researchers, representatives of public structures, educational institutions interested in the development of scientific, analytical and predictive political science research;
provision of advisory services;
holding and participating in meetings, seminars, symposiums, conferences, including international ones;
development of cooperation and exchange of experience and research developments between domestic and foreign experts;
establishing contacts with foreign political science organizations and institutions, including for attracting Armenian authors in international research programs;
facilitating the participation of scientists in domestic and international grant projects and programs;
participation in the implementation of publishing activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
mass media, dissemination of research and development results, guidelines and other materials;
representation and protection of professional interests of the members of the Association, coordination of their activities.
Guidance and decision making
Founders and members of the Association
The leadership of the association is determined by organizational tasks and is collegial in nature and is carried out by the co-chairs of the Association.
Co-chairs are elected both at the members meeting and online. Their terms of office are determined by the Charter of the Association and may be extended for the same terms.
Draft decisions submitted by members of the Association are sent to all its members and adopted by a majority vote, including online voting.
Each of the founders of the association after its creation becomes a member of the organization with the same rights and obligations as other members of the organization.
A person who is not a founder of an organization may become a member of an organization on the basis of a voluntary declaration of will in the manner prescribed by the charter of this organization.
Membership of a person in the Association is not a basis for restricting his rights and freedoms.
Bodies of the Association
The governing bodies of the Association are the Assembly and the executive body, represented by the chairman and co-chairs.
The next meeting of the organization is convened in the manner prescribed by the charter of the organization, in the form of a joint meeting of its participants or in absentia, using telecommunications, drawing up the appropriate minutes or exchanging documents.

Ruben Zargaryan
Chief expert on International Politics